Disinfecting for Disease Management

The heart of the hybridization program at Coseytown Flowers is firmly rooted in developing the best possible dahlias for profitable cut flower production. Our hybridization priorities have been shaped by our own experiences as a cut flower farm in search of the best varieties to bring maximum impact to our operation and bottom line - and our enjoyment as dahlia enthusiasts too!
We're Here for the Workhorses
To earn the distinction Coseytown-Certified Cut Flower Dahlia a new cultivar must demonstrate its ability to consistently meet or exceed expectations for the following nine key traits for maximum profitability for cut flower farmers and farmer-florists:

  Vase Life  
Stem Length 
Stem Strength
Bloom Productivity
Blossom Orientation
Blossom Attachment
Plant Growth Habit
Tuber Productivity
Tuber Storability

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Check out this interview on
Making the Cut at Coseytown

Check out this talk about
Our Commitment to Healthy Dahlias

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Coseytown and The Work That We Do