Coseytown Mason
Meet Coseytown Mason, an easy-keeping vigorous and prolific plant with soft and earthy red-brown toned blooms. When florists see the unique coloring of Coseytown Mason their brains start to spark. Mason is often requested for warm neutral boho color palettes, as a compliment to copper, as a nice dark base for blush palettes, and more.
LeeAnn's Hybridizer Notes
Coseytown Mason produces nice long stems with a single bloom at the top and is easy to quickly process in the field (strip leaves from stems) for cut flower sales. Coseytown Mason’s blooms can be harvested half-open and will continue to open over a few days for extended vase life.
As a Coseytown-Certified Cut Flower, Mason has great vigor and a will to live. They get planted, pinched, and then take off blooming from August until frost with minimal upkeep required. It’s what we here at Coseytown like to call an ‘easy keeper’ – great output without a lot of input; a plant that loves to grow and doesn’t require a lot of fussing to do it.
Coseytown Mason has an ideal tuber in terms of productivity, shape, size, and storability. Another perk is its tubers are very generous with producing eyes. I save every tuber with a crown because there is a high likelihood it will eye up in the spring.
LeeAnn's Hybridizer Notes
Coseytown Mason produces nice long stems with a single bloom at the top and is easy to quickly process in the field (strip leaves from stems) for cut flower sales. Coseytown Mason’s blooms can be harvested half-open and will continue to open over a few days for extended vase life.
As a Coseytown-Certified Cut Flower, Mason has great vigor and a will to live. They get planted, pinched, and then take off blooming from August until frost with minimal upkeep required. It’s what we here at Coseytown like to call an ‘easy keeper’ – great output without a lot of input; a plant that loves to grow and doesn’t require a lot of fussing to do it.
Coseytown Mason has an ideal tuber in terms of productivity, shape, size, and storability. Another perk is its tubers are very generous with producing eyes. I save every tuber with a crown because there is a high likelihood it will eye up in the spring.
The Details
Bloom Form:
Bloom Color:
Bloom Size:
Plant Height: