Coseytown® Oriole

Coseytown Cut Flower, Early Blooming, and Strong Season Finisher

Genuine Coseytown® dahlias are exclusively sold here in our online Dahlia Tuber Shop. Our online catalog is viewable year-round with sales opening during the first quarter of each year. Email subscribers get first notification of sales, events and special offers. Get signed up here.

📣 Important Announcements: The Dahlia Tuber Shop is currently CLOSED as we prepare existing orders to ship.

  • Missed Out? Use the variety-specific notification forms on each product page to register your interest and receive notifications for opportunities to purchase your favorite Coseytown cultivars including restocks and/or flash sales.

  • First shipments of existing orders begin the week of April 1st to warm regions. Shipments will continue through May as weather dictates to cooler regions. You will receive an email with tracking information when your order is dispatched.

❤️ We'd like to send a very big THANK YOU to our amazing Coseytown patrons for all of your love and support. YOU truly make it possible to do what we do!
With gratitude,
LeeAnn, Jeff + Team Coseytown

✔️ We ship to all 50 United States. Tubers ship for spring-time planting in your area.

✔️ We are proud to ship responsibly using only reusable, recyclable, compostable and/or natural materials in 100% plastic-free packaging and fund carbon-neutral shipping on all orders.

Hi! I'm LeeAnn. I'm an independent American hybridizer, flower farmer and owner-operator of Coseytown Flowers. Here at Coseytown we are passionate about creating the most beautiful, healthy, productive and vigorous dahlias cultivars around - and bringing them from our family farm right to your own fields and gardens!

✔️ Each original Coseytown® creation represents a labor of love carried out with countless hundreds of hours invested over many years into many thousands of plants.

✔️ Your confidence and success is our priority, and each cultivar has been researched, trialed, tested, selected, propagated and prepared for your own fields and gardens with love.

✔️ We believe healthy stock produced responsibly is a core value to be pursued through intentional management and are dedicated to driving progress, innovation and leadership around vital topics including proactive crop health management, testing and research.

👉 Click here to learn more about us, our dahlias, and all the work that we do. Thank you for making it possible!

Introducing Coseytown Flowers newest dahlia creation – the Fancy Single™ dahlia. What is a Fancy Single dahlia? I am so glad you asked! Fancy Singles are singles you can cut! Combining the flirty fun of open-centered dahlias with all the requisite qualifications of a certified Coseytown® Cut Flower dahlia, this is a truly groundbreaking collection of form and traits.

As our first Fancy Single dahlia to be released, Coseytown Oriole features glossy dark leaves and near black stems that create a dynamic backdrop for this plant’s abundance of fiery red/orange blooms with uncommonly dark centers. Now, Coseytown Oriole is ready to strut its stuff and steal center stage in your arrangements. So, the only question is - are you ready for a new flame in your cut flower game? It’s time to break new ground and shatter old conventions with Coseytown Oriole!

LeeAnn's Hybridizer Notes - CT™ Oriole

Growing for cut flower production: CT Oriole begins blooming around 70 days post planting and will continue until frost arrives. Stems are strong and remain upright, holding the bloom from 45 degrees to fully erect on top of the stems. CT Oriole’s buds continue to open after harvest. Stems can be harvested as soon as the bud colors up and begins to lift one petal (cracked bud stage). Ensure that plants are well hydrated at harvest time for improved vase life. Place newly cut stems in a cooler for 24-48 hours to condition and hydrate in clean water; I set my cooler to 50°F. Conditioning cracked buds in a cooler will slow their opening; they will regain bloom-opening momentum when returned to room temperature. Harvesting at the cracked bud stage, with proper handling and conditioning, will return 5-day vase life once out of the cooler. Petals will fully form and mature before any stigmas present themselves. CT Oriole is slow to make pollen, if it does at all.

Growing as a garden plant: As a garden plant, you'll enjoy the abundance of pollinators CT Oriole will attract to your environment. Skipper butterflies had a definitive preference for CT Oriole. A walk by the plants made me feel like I walked into a fairy wonderland with all the fluttering activity. Blooms look fresh and beautiful for over 2 weeks on the plant. New blooms constantly replace old blooms. This is a self-cleaning plant, making it an easy to manage and attractive plant.

Thank you for your interest in our original Coseytown dahlia creations!
Coseytown Flowers is a family farm and woman-owned business led by independent occupational American dahlia hybridizer, flower farmer, floriculture educator and entrepreneur LeeAnn Huber.

Every genuine Coseytown® dahlia originated on our farm and was grown for you with love by our small team. We pour ourselves into bringing each one to you as labor of love expressed through our heads, hearts, and hands. Thank you for making it possible! Click here to learn more about Coseytown Flowers and the work we do.

About Coseytown Cut Flower Dahlias
The heartbeat of Coseytown Flowers is firmly rooted in developing the best possible dahlia cultivars for profitable cut flower production. Our cut flower breeding program has been shaped by our own experiences and frustrations as a cut flower farm in search of the best dahlia varieties to bring maximum impact to our operation and bottom line... and our enjoyment as dahlia enthusiasts too!

Every Coseytown dahlia candidate begins its journey in our fields - and must earn its stripes over many seasons to keep its place there. To earn the distinction 'Coseytown Cut Flower Dahlia' each new cultivar must demonstrate its ability to consistently meet or exceed expectations for the following nine key Coseytown traits for maximum utility, productivity and profitability for cut flower production: Vase Life, Stem Length, Stem, Strength, Bloom Productivity, Blossom Orientation, Blossom Attachment, Plant Growth Habit, Tuber Productivity, Tuber Storability

Click here to see all Coseytown Cut Flower Dahlias

The Details

  • Certifications & Solutions:

    Coseytown Cut Flower, Early Blooming, and Strong Season Finisher

  • Bloom Color:

    Fiery Red-Orange

  • Bloom Form:


  • Bloom Size:

    3.5 in

  • Plant Height:

    4.5 ft

  • Product Type:

    Single division root tuber

  • Stamp:


  • All photos, videos, descriptions and original works of authorship are copyrights of Coseytown Flowers. Company name and logo, and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of Coseytown Flowers. Such marks may not be used without our prior written consent.