Coseytown® Tallboy

Coseytown Cut Flower and Strong Season Finisher


✔️ We ship to all 50 United States. Tubers ship for spring-time planting in your area.

✔️ Flat rate shipping for dahlia tuber orders starts from only $8.95 to many destinations.

✔️ FREE SHIPPING available for qualifying orders when you buy today! See details in cart/checkout for your order.

✔️ We are proud to ship responsibly using only reusable, recyclable, compostable and/or natural materials in 100% plastic-free packaging and fund carbon-neutral shipping on all orders.

Hi! I'm LeeAnn. I'm an independent American hybridizer, flower farmer and owner-operator of Coseytown Flowers. Here at Coseytown we are passionate about creating the most beautiful, healthy, productive and vigorous dahlias cultivars around - and bringing them from our family farm right to your own fields and gardens!

✔️ Each original Coseytown® creation represents a labor of love carried out with countless hundreds of hours invested over many years into many thousands of plants.

✔️ Your confidence and success is our priority, and each cultivar has been researched, trialed, tested, selected, propagated and prepared for your own fields and gardens with love.

✔️ We believe healthy stock produced responsibly is a core value to be pursued through intentional management and are dedicated to driving progress, innovation and leadership around vital topics including proactive crop health management, testing and research.

👉 Click here to learn more about us, our dahlias, and all the work that we do. Thank you for making it possible!

Introducing Coseytown Tallboy. This dapper gent can rock a white tux like no one you’ve ever seen all while keeping his cool when the heat is on! It’s time to tackle the dog days of summer with a tall drink of Coseytown Tallboy!

As his name suggests, Coseytown Tallboy is no short guy. No need to feel intimidated by this 6’ tall gentleman though - we’re confident he’ll become the white dahlia you go steady with. Pinching and continual harvest keep plant height well managed while he continues to work for you, pumping out the blooms. 4” fully double blooms with high petal count are supported by slender yet strong stems above the leaf canopy. These stems have integrity! It is common to harvest 20” stems without a negative effect to plant growth or subsequent bloom flushes.

But the quality that really puts Coseytown Tallboy head and shoulders above his peers is his sensitivity to your needs a cut flower grower - standing up to the heat in the dog days of summer and continuing to produce marketable white blooms that resist burning despite high humidity, full sun, multi-day 100F weather here in the mid-Atlantic. He’s no summer fling either, continuing the romance into the fall and maintaining his closed center until frost. How about long-term commitment? Coseytown Tallboy isn’t afraid – he’ll be happy to produce ample, high yielding eyed tubers for many seasons to come.

LeeAnn's Hybridizer Notes - CT™ Tallboy

Early on in his journey through the Coseytown Cut Flower dahlia hybridization program, CT Tallboy quickly set himself apart from his seedling peers when I was in desperate need of white blooms during an extended summer heat wave. It was then I noticed the quality of the blooms being produced when other dahlias had wilted - and rightfully so. I wilt under intense heat!

But CT Tallboy’s seasonal resilience, notably withstanding a higher heat index than his dahlia peers quickly secured him a spot in the propagation line up. As always, keep your plants well hydrated during prolonged high heat events and avoid getting the buds and blooms wet; good management lets your superstars reach even higher! Pair CT Tallboy up with CT Early Girl in your cut flower program for the ultimate supercouple to get your season started off good and early and keep it going long and strong.

Coseytown Dream Cart
At Coseytown Flowers we’re always working to improve the dahlia buying experience wherever we can. That means propagating more stock of less varieties - curation over collection. Excluding lower stock items from primary sale events. And innovating the buying process itself with the Coseytown Dream Cart™.

Starting ONE HOUR before Dahlia Sales, log in to your Dahlia Shop account, pre-build your ideal cart and get logged in to your preferred payment processor to begin the checkout process - all in advance of the Sale. Then once the sale begins checkout can be completed in just a few clicks with an accelerated payment method like Shop PayApple Pay or Google Pay.

Please note that this is not an inventory reservation and checkout cannot be completed until the official start of sale. So can we guarantee everybody gets everything? No. Is it a better way forward? We think so.

Thank you for your interest in our original Coseytown dahlia creations!
Coseytown Flowers is a family farm and woman-owned business led by independent occupational American dahlia hybridizer, flower farmer, floriculture educator and entrepreneur LeeAnn Huber.

Every genuine Coseytown® dahlia originated on our farm and was grown for you with love by our small team. We pour ourselves into bringing each one to you as labor of love expressed through our heads, hearts, and hands. Thank you for making it possible! Click here to learn more about Coseytown Flowers and the work we do.

About Coseytown Cut Flower Dahlias
The heartbeat of Coseytown Flowers is firmly rooted in developing the best possible dahlia cultivars for profitable cut flower production. Our cut flower breeding program has been shaped by our own experiences and frustrations as a cut flower farm in search of the best dahlia varieties to bring maximum impact to our operation and bottom line... and our enjoyment as dahlia enthusiasts too!

Every Coseytown dahlia candidate begins its journey in our fields - and must earn its stripes over many seasons to keep its place there. To earn the distinction 'Coseytown Cut Flower Dahlia' each new cultivar must demonstrate its ability to consistently meet or exceed expectations for the following nine key Coseytown traits for maximum utility, productivity and profitability for cut flower production: Vase Life, Stem Length, Stem Strength, Bloom Productivity, Blossom Orientation, Blossom Attachment, Plant Growth Habit, Tuber Productivity, Tuber Storability

Click here to see all Coseytown Cut Flower Dahlias

The Details

  • Certifications & Solutions:

    Coseytown Cut Flower and Strong Season Finisher

  • Bloom Color:

    Crisp White

  • Bloom Form:

    Formal Decorative

  • Bloom Size:

    4 in

  • Plant Height:

    6 ft

  • Product Type:

    Single division root tuber

  • Stamp:


  • All photos, videos, descriptions and original works of authorship are copyrights of Coseytown Flowers. Company name and logo, and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of Coseytown Flowers. Such marks may not be used without our prior written consent.